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+48 77 474 60 56 +48 510 175 284 Opole, ul. Pużaka 9 Stomatolog Opole - Dentysta Opole - Implanty Opole


General anaesthesia
Modern dentistry wants a patient to forget about pain. Treatment is performed under general anaesthesia. It is difficult to see when the tissue relaxant is delivered, because it is The Wand microprocessor that does it. Its advantage is also an extremely precise dosage of anaesthetic, the delivery of the fluid takes place at the physiological speed and is immediately absorbed by the tissues. The unpleasant feeling of tissue bursting is nullified. We do not use injections.

Intravenous sedation, commonly known as narcosis, is a notion that determines patient’s state when being tranquillised. Under the supervision of an anaesthesiologist, who uses the latest technical knowledge, the patient goes dormant. We carry out general anaesthesia in those patients who are qualified for it for medical reasons or who experience an enormous fear related to dental treatment.
We work with dr Jan Iżykowski.

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